Scorpion 360 Large Fat-Lace Reversible Silk Du-Rag is A Great Way To Get Your 360 Waves Fast Compresses The Hair For Better Wave Control Easy To Use Stylish Fat-Lace Shark Tail Design. Use King Scorpion 360 Compression Reversible Silk Du-Rag After A Haircut, Brush Session, Use Everyday For Optimize Results. Polyester & Silk Blend, Breathable Material Plus Easy to Adjust.
Great For All Wave Pattern Type. Best When Applied Before Bed or After a Shower Great For Maintaining and Keeping Hair In Place – Works Best With Scorpion 360 Wave Butter. Apply a small amount of Wave Pomade or Hair Conditioner brush in the desired wave pattern and apply King Scorpion 360 Du-Rag to Set. Don’t forget the brush session before applying.
Care & Maintenance Instruction:
Cleaning Your Fat-Lace Reversible Silk Du-Rag
Eventually, you would have to clean your du-rag. Washing Your Custom Silk Du-Rag, Best results wash your du-rag in cold water (Separately). Only use clothing detergent if so with a color guard, Woolite.
For stubborn stains try soaking overnight in Woolite & cold water before washing.
Drying Instruction:
Dry Separately on Tremble or Air Dry for Best Results Add a Fabric Sheet to Retain Softness.